Facing a fear

On Wednesday I went on my friend Elene’s Preloved Chica Time Capsule Show on ICR FM.

On Wednesday I went on my friend Elene’s Preloved Chica Time Capsule Show on ICR FM.

Elene had asked a while ago if she could interview me and play my favourite four songs and although I was nervous (ok, major understatement!) I knew I had to do it. It wasn’t just to promote the magazine I work for, or the blog, it was to push myself out of my comfort zone and boost my confidence with public speaking. So here I was, facing a fear of public speaking on a large scale!

Speaking to large groups has always frightened me. I worry about what people might think of me or about saying the wrong things and everyone mocking me. I think this stems from being bullied at school and also having a generally introverted nature, but I’ve found that the best thing to do is keep putting myself in these uncomfortable situations and giving it my best shot.

Last year I was on a panel of journalists giving advice to small business about how to gain media coverage – again I was nervous, but do you know what? It went really well! I had some great feedback from the businesses and my fellow colleagues. Sometimes you have to be scared to learn something of value, right?

Anyway – I’m really pleased I faced my fear, and a huge thank you to Elene for being so calm and putting me at ease.

If you’d like to listen to the show – click here. 
